Client Results

  • Belinda-Jane

    Tuesday 11th June 2019
    Thank you so much Lucie for the opportunity to clear my energy field through a surrogacy session. I have not been well for months and the last few weeks have been rather tough healthwise. i’m actually at the doctors now. I’ve never been so sick. I can’t even swallow my own saliva. Must have picked up another virus on Sunday.

    Wednesday 12th June 2019
    Lucie I just listened to the recording you left me.

    Wow wow wow that was absolutely incredible. You are incredible!

    Thank you so much for all your love and efforts today! I am feeling so much better already! I was not surprised by what was surrounding me as I have felt these energies around me for so long.

    The life purpose stuff has already worked as I quit my job earlier this evening before I even listened to your voicemail!! I also had a work from home offer from a lady for healthy meal prep and will be earning over $48 per hour just cooking – and I can do this on my own terms! 🙂

    See how quickly you have helped my soul ? 🙂 Love you! talk tomorrow. I can’t wait to go to bed and have beautiful dreams and I look forward to having my next session over the phone with either you or Demetre.

  • Aquila D
    United Kingdom

    I’m pregnant right now and before my session I felt foggy, angry and like I was pushing up against walls in myself and in others
    I felt homeless, rootless and things didn’t feel flowing for me.

    During my session with Lucie, It was like something I has never experienced; I felt I was accepted, opened and felt all that was grating on me begin to melt away.

    Afterwards, I felt empowered to step up and use my voice. To always keep dreaming and trust the process of life fully.

    I feel this has been a big awakening and acceptance of what is to come and what is in store for me. Trusting that the path is safe and very much set out for me. I’ve just got to soften and look up and see the abundance ahead and around. So it’s still ongoing, but I feel there are many less boundaries in my way.


  • Anat G

    I wanted to share my gratitude to Lucie Delacy. In many ways my brain doesn’t understand what this technique is all about,
    but I CAN say that after experiencing several sessions I’m still astounded at the results from this healing technique.

    I found it extremely powerful and unique not like any other healing therapy I’ve ever experienced prior in my life and most importantly – helpful. The deep levels of healing and clearing that are achieved during each session, is amazing.

    Personally for a long time I’ve experienced numbness on all levels of my being (emotional/spiritual/mental/physical) I felt huge blocks were controlling my life.

    The feeling of powerlessness and pessimism that things won’t ever change for me, were lifted like heavy weights off my shoulders after these sessions.

    I have been able to finally breathe and move forward with my life. Thank you.

  • Margie T
    Oregon, USA

    Initially after my session I felt worse with more coughing – Lucie released a lot of stuck energy!
    After a week, I felt lighter in my spirit and less hopeless. Significant.

    I am a retired psychologist. I have done a lot of therapy. I liked not having to rehash my history to get good results. I could be somewhat passive and get the full benefits of the work.

    This was a valuable experience and it was very helpful during a very difficult time in my life.

    Dear Lucie I’ve meant to write you many times but you know how life is

    Anyway I miss seeing your face and talking to you. I wanted you to know we got the verdict back and it was as good as it possibly could be. The Judge ordered him to have a psych evaluation and be in therapy. She got that he had a personality disorder that he was potentially dangerous. He is in Corsica now so we have a breather from having to worry about him.

    Thanks for all your love and concern and help.

  • Susan

    Lucie, I thank you for doing a surrogacy session for me while I was away travelling
    I just listened to the recording last night.
    Wow you covered sooooo much!

    I wanted to give you an update:
    As you know, I was having terrible nightmares.

    Tuesday, the night you did the session I slept deeply without dreams
    Wednesday Morning was a very emotional time. Tears at the drop of a hat and couldn’t concentrate

    Both Wed & Thursday nights – another great sleep!
    Thursday and Friday I am not feeling affected by emotions!

    Feel happy and unencumbered. (If that is a word)
    I had lots of giggles and was laughing exactly when you said I would. So in tune.

    Thank you to both you and Demetre – as that was a huge blessing and gift to have you do the session for me as a surrogacy

  • Sally S

    I was extremely stressed and overwhelmed. Physical pain levels in my back were fluctuating between a 6-9 with no apparent cause. NOTHING was helping my mystery back pain
    Lucie is amazing. A very beautiful , honourable and caring person who is committed to helping others.

    Amazing levels of customer service, before, during and after my session. Immediately after the session I felt calmer and more ‘together’. I felt far more in control.

    I was blown away that my back felt SO much better and has continued to do so. I also feel more centred.

    I loved that my session took place in my own home via computer – no travelling and I was obviously very comfortable in my own surroundings. There was nothing that could have improved my experience.

    I can’t recommend her highly enough!

  • Rosie B

    Blown away by the accuracy
    I felt tired – but a few days later I redesigned and took my new website live within 2 days!

    There is definitely a lot more energy available for me. Lucie truly knows how to hold a healing space. She has such a gorgeous spirit, one that I am so blessed to have met.

    She is such a gift and I am so very grateful that she has come into my life. I will absolutely be recommending her to others. I feel blessed to have found Lucie through my Mum.

  • Linda H
    New Zealand

    I’ve recently become allergic to certain foods and this was showing up as a rash on my face
    My session focus was on the tendency for my physical body to keep falling apart for all of my life. Due to this, I became a naturopath in order to heal myself.

    After my session I felt like I had finally stopped rocking inside. The traumatic event I saw and felt and released from age 8 – and now I see that ever since, I’ve had an 8 year old ‘rocking’ inside me. Profound.

    I particularly liked the level of care and space and time given for me to really express and shift all that suppressed pain. Lucie really listened and gave me feedback on my physical body’s tendencies and beautifully put together a positive intention of how I would like it to be for my future.

    A particularly traumatic event came up in the healing pathways (this event has been the focus of a LOT of past therapy – but was still at a 6/10 stress level in its intensity). Lucie’s caring and insight in lime lining this event was outstanding and it is probably down to a 1 now and just feels SO life changing to have that finally released and integrated peacefully within me.

    In so many ways, this was an intensely empowering purging process, and Lucie is tuned in exceptionally well to help process my issues and tuned into area’s that needed attention. I am more relaxed, more optimistic and more in alignment with my life goal. More positive.

  • Rosie B

    What I liked most about my session with Lucie was the depth of it
    – and the fact that all aspects of an issue were addressed. I especially liked getting the detail of how it has affected me on all levels so that everything could be cleared away.

    I went into a full-on detox after like I haven’t in years. So wow it certainly shifted something that was previously unbeknown to me and had a huge impact on my life. I would not have guessed this in a million years – except when it was bought to my conscious awareness.

    I am now feeling clearer in mind and body. The follow up was also extremely appreciated and beneficial to me especially given I was experiencing extreme detox and then my thoughts of sadness or melancholy came back. Lucie explained that these were old and releasing from the body and to just observe them as they left.

    It’s 4 days later and I am feeling MUCH better and those feelings have gone and I just feel clearer. I definitely needed the follow up though to help guide me through this and I guess to help me remain focused in just feeling what I was feeling and that this would then shift.

    Thank you Lucie.

  • Anat G

    Lucie is amazing. I enjoyed every minute with her
    The sessions were very intense – but at the same time, a really liberating and joyous experience. Lots of energy, I loved the messages I received, it made me feel protected and in the right place.

    I was shocked at the accuracy of the issues (my blocks) that came up through Lucie’s session with me. Very deep issues that were never detected – but deep down I could always feel, but needed verification.

    Prior to our sessions I felt that something big was blocking my happiness and affecting all aspects of my life and I felt powerless and helpless to change, dark and negative – and I’ve been experiencing this for a very long time. I’ve not been able to get myself out of this negative void.

    This was a unique experience for me. Seeing the results I got over time during my sessions has changed me for the better. Having Lucie as my practitioner makes me grateful to her and her total dedication to me.

  • Karen S

    Lucie, I truly adored my recent session with you and could feel your pure intent and focus at all times
    Your care and guidance through all my sessions has been beautiful and the experience of pure love and connection gave me goose-bumps!

    You are an amazing conduit with great power, connection and gifts. I felt 100% safe and supported during my time with you. I feel so enlivened and re-energized. It was a complete 180 degree turnaround.

    I feel privileged and blessed to have the opportunity to have your magic bestowed upon me.

    Prior to my first session with Lucie, every single night I saw and felt dark shadows in my room at sleep time. Since the first session, that energy has gone and never returned!

    I absolutely recommend Lucie to everyone because she is a pure gift.

    I thank you so much from the bottom of my heart.

  • Linda.H.
    New Zealand
    Since working with Lucie for 7 months, my passive income has increased by $12,000 per month and is growing
  • Estee

    We’ve just put in an offer on a house and got it! I know this would have never have happened if it wasn’t for my sessions with you, Lucie.

  • Emma S

    Lucie is amazing and I highly recommend her
    I was feeling deflated, depressed, flat and had no energy – and after I felt like a weight had been lifted and I was happy. I liked how relevant the information was and I liked how personable Lucie was.

  • Linda.H.
    New Zeland

    Upon meeting Lucie, I knew immediately that the healing sessions she spoke about would be of huge benefit to me
    Well I wasn’t wrong and it has been a great experience!

    I’m a naturopath, structural kinesiologist and I regularly use other healing modalities in both mine and my clients lives, but Lucie and I together with the FH structure have got at things I hadn’t been able to shift.

    I particularly liked the level of care and space and time given for me to really express and shift all that suppressed pain.

    Lucie really listened and gave me feedback on my physical body’s tendencies and beautifully put together an intention of how I would like it to be for my future. A particularly traumatic event came up in the healing pathways (this event has been the focus of a LOT of past therapy – but was still at a 6/10 stress).

    Lucie’s caring and insight in time-lining this event was outstanding and it is probably down to a 1 now and just feels so life changing to have that finally released and integrated in me.”

  • Heidi C.

    Oh my golly gosh Lucie, you are amazing, the best ….
    She just called me and told me about her session WOW… I’m gobsmacked ..

    Thank you a gazillion times for being so spot on. I have been so very worried about my gorgeous friend for some time now – and then she had that tragic hideous incident recently.

    You have truly, madly, deeply made a huge difference to my life and hers… My eyes are filled with tears of relief.. bless you and everything that you are xx”

  • Ross M

    I feel a lot calmer and not as sensitive.

    I also don’t feel anxious or worried about the things that were upsetting me.

    I was feeling anxious with a feeling of being held back. I now feel far more relaxed and in control. I liked how things were explained to me in simple terms so I could understand more. This was such an incredible experience and I felt really cared for and understood

  • 220902 Aesthetica3275 2
    Emma W
    Australia, Nurse, Midwife, Aesthetician

    Lucie is simply magic.

    She is warm, speaks with intent and has spiritual empathy.

    Lucie listens, and she gives a lot of her time.

    Since my session I have been happier and suffered less anxiety in the subjects I wanted to work on.

    I asked for two things.

    One of those life changes happened within weeks and the second one came very close – and I know this is something I need to work on further as the first intention must have taken all the energy.

    The session was taxing, which, due to the nature of what she found, Lucie warned me that it would be.

    There were clearly a lot of hours put into my session, even pre and post session Lucie checked in as she said that things would continue to come up for a few days.

    I didn’t look for healing. Healing found me.

    When I decided to work with Lucie my path was messy.

    Almost together… but things weren’t quite slotting into place.

    Since then things have become a lot clearer and changes have happened in my lifethat I was hoping and praying for. Previous to my session, things weren’t happening how I expected and this caused me stress and anxiety.

    There has been enormous improvement – and one of these issues has beenresolved completely

    I asked for changes. And I got them … but even better than I could have imagined.The vibrational shift has completely shifted my world

    I will continue to work with Lucie on my second issue as the first one worked so well!!!!

    I often re-read emails she sent me, including the Empowerment Creation that she wrote especially for me – so that I keep the right mindset and continue to hold the positive changes which she set for me

    I can only speak from the heart, Lucie’s session has only affected me positively and I will continue to grow with Lucie and this form of healing into my future

    First of all, I will book my next session.

    I want my partner to work with Lucie, but me first!

    Emma’s UPDATE: 

    OMGoodness Lucie, I had to share that the house we wanted but didn’t get has now had the land next to it bulldozed (to build more houses) – So I am SO glad now that we didn’t get it (just like you said, it was a good thing).

    AND we have just finally signed on our DREAM HOME, it has all the features that we wanted – and outside dwelling, land, enough room for my family to visit from the UK.

    It all happened so fast after my session – which produced such a major shift in me. We honestly feel like we have won the lottery and I can’t help but think that this is because of you. Actually, I KNOW that it is.

    Would it be possible for me to please write you another review? – I want to write even better statements!

  • Brooke
    Brooke G
    Adelaide, Australia

    My session with Lucie was nothing short of Astronomical

    I met Lucie through her partner who is one of my best friends from school. It truly made me comfortable to know I was in good hands.

    The session blew me away.

    Point blank – I experienced things mentally spiritually and physically that assisted me with life-long questions and work that needed to be done. Not only did she help me – but in a strange way her work has filtered through to many members of my family. Prior to my session, I had not been sleeping properly and sure enough – that night I experienced the deepest, most refreshing sleep!

    It was as if she had pulled light years of weight off of me

    When I listened to her voice recording detailing my session, I actually cried.
    The things that showed up and the way she ‘knew’ and explained it all, was like some kind of a miracle.

    As I have experienced other types of balances, retreats and healings, I expected I might feel a bit tired for a day or so after such a big session (since we did so much). However, this was not the case – and I actually felt at peace and invigorated over the coming days rather than depleted. This aspect was actually very surprising to me – because this is the first time I’ve had this sort of result – ie: having more energy.

    It’s a crazy time in the world right now… and I knew that it was a time for me to be looking inward to heal and to cleanse. I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to work with Lucie; so when a free spot opened up on her waiting list, I jumped at the chance. It came at the perfect timing

    Since my first session, I have a greater sense of self. I have less anxiety; Lucie’s words actually ring in my head when I’m doubting or in shame, but those old thoughts somehow have less of a hold on me. It’s like a joyful wake-up call was placed within me to remind myself of the work we had done. I feel there’s an integrity within me now, something strong and solid.

    Previously I gave into self-doubt and people pleasing. Now, the past patterns will present themselves but I can notice it, easily make a different choice and move forward – where, perhaps before, I would become lost in a loop of self-questioning which halted my forward momentum and zapped a lot of my energy and joy in life.

    You just need to spend 5 minutes with Lucie to see and feel who she is – (In actual fact, anytime I have any interaction with her at all, my life feels better), but I was really blown away by the things that came up during my session and the experience itself. She is out of this world, I can’t explain it!

    Lucie’s nature and flexibility are a window into who she is. It is immeasurable what she has given me – the insight, the healing are things which I know, will carry forward for generations to come. She is so humble, I wonder if she actually knows the magnitude of what she gives her clients.

    I ABSO****INGLUTELY recommend that anyone reading this has a session (or a series, which I am about to do, to take my life to the next level)

    I genuinely want to gift this experience to everyone I know and want all my people to experience Lucie!!! I look so forward to uncovering healing, discovering and experiencing more.

    She is a true light in this world and I can’t sing her praises enough!!!

    Brooke G

  • d85c35e83fd53b04490c9f25f65f46a3c2f15fc75d7654ee55aca7b1aa661115
    Flavia A,

    Lucie is Divine and I loved my latest session with her

    My life is great and I was feeling happy before my session, but I did feel like I didn’t have the energy I used to have…

    I was struggling with low energy levels for no apparent reason.

    Lucie was able to dig deep and find the cause of my low energy levels – and fix the issue!

    It was just so interesting what came up in my session and it resonated with me so much.

    My session didn’t end at the end of my time with Lucie on the phone – she kept working with me energetically for another 2 days as specifically requested by my Higher Self / Spirit. Lucie let me know about the extra stuff she was doing and also let me know when the work would stop. By the time this happened, I had naturally moved through any emotional aspects.

    Afterwards, I felt reflective and took a bit of time to go through it all in my head again. The next day I felt uplifted and started feeling the changes.

    I expected subtle changes but I didn’t expect such a major shift!

    Not a subtle improvement, but a HUGE improvement came from this.

    Since this session, I feel like a ton of weight has been lifted off my shoulders and it has given me more energy. I also feel lighter through carrying less ‘stuff’ around with me.

    I have also felt a shift in my relationship – and especially with my son. In fact, this was obvious to me immediately after my session.

    What surprised me the most was how big the change was. And then I remembered that I felt the same after my first session a few years ago.

    In fact, this session has made me decide that I don’t want to leave it such a long time between sessions anymore because each session has produced such profound shifts and made such a positive impact in my life

    I love this energy healing method and I think Lucie is an amazing facilitator andhealer. Very thorough and skilled. And she’s a lovely person.

    Actually, so much was cleared away during my session, that it was really noticeable that my husband is sleeping in longer and I am waking up earlier – which is mostwelcome.

    I particularly love the “detective work” Lucie’s doing, it’s very thorough. She is always providing context and explaining everything. I felt very safe in the space she created and comfortable to trust and open up.

    Next, Lucie is going to clear our land, as well as anything that may be a corresponding match (or that may me negatively connected to us) and this will also be looked at and resolved.

    I would highly recommend Lucie to anyone who’s looking to change and improve their life and I’ll definitely be having a session with her again.

    I’ll see you soon Lucie!

    Thank you so much for your help again

  • img 2886 150x150
    Susan R

    Hello Lucie

    As you are doing our sessions together differently, I was curious to know how thatwould work.

    Now, after experiencing it, I wanted to give you some feedback about the new wayyou are working

    Recently, based on the things I wrote to you about (and how down I was feelingabout everything that’s going on in the world), you went ahead and did my session last Thursday. You worked directly with my Spirit / Higher Self – working in theQuantum Field.

    As I have been very busy, we were unable to connect on the phone (for you to giveme the information about what you found and what was done etc) until yesterday,which was 6 days after my session was completed.

    Well, as discussed, I just want to share about the awesome things that happened since the session was completed – things that kicked in for me almost immediatelyafter

    As I shared previously, I did not have much “joy” in my life and I was challenged with the events that have been going on in the world especially as I have chosen not tohave the experimental injection.

    I wish to have freedom to have choices in my life. I had also started to second guess my decisions and the resultant restrictions that would involve.

    On Saturday I found myself really enjoying a luncheon being able to talk about anything without fear of being judged. We danced, ate good food, talked all afternoon and had so much fun.

    I had been challenged in not being able to study as I was always distracted easilyand didn’t seem to remember what I had read or listened to. Very frustrating.

    However, since Tuesday I have been listening to podcasts and reading lots, and canactually remember it! More importantly, I have been able to share the knowledge asI have remembered it.

    Yesterday I was to join a group of friends on the banks of the River in Crawley.I was told there would be riot police and I would have to wear a mask.Initially I was fearful and decided not to go.

    However, my inner self told me to go and that it would be ok.

    So, although I arrived later there were no issues and I was very grateful I followed my instincts.

    It was such a happy time and I felt good to be amongst “like-minded” people.

    Today Lucie, you gave me a recap of the session you did and I was excited to shareall these changes and the huge difference in my emotions and the resulting actionsthat I have taken over the last five days.

    I am excited at the ease of the sessions, and the resultant follow up.

    I enjoyed this process immensely and I found it to be a more energizing way ofworking

    Thank you so much

    Blessings Susan

  • 1714996039488
    Tatiana Z

    I came to seek Lucie’s help at what in retrospect was one of the lowest points in my life, back in late 2019 – early 2020, and had several sessions, including surrogate ones.

    On top of the pandemic that caused general anxiety in all human beings on the planet, my dear husband Richard was diagnosed with cancer. It felt surreal, I turned into a kind of automaton that functioned on autopilot, had no energy and no motivation to go on with life.

    I had a lot of transient, silly thoughts, most of them defeatist.

    Lucie is a ray of sunshine.

    She has seemingly endless energy and is an amazing healer with a wide repertoire of techniques, including forensic healing and the ones from our own Aboriginal people. Lucie helped me to shift my mental model of “cancer” – it’s your body sending a signal that something is terribly wrong, you’re out of balance.

    The result of the sessions with Lucie?

    I felt very tired after them, emotionally and physically, but, strangely, also liberated and emotionally healed. They cleared my fears and taught me to trust my own intuition, rather than over-analyse everything.

    I feel strong, and Richard is healed too…completely, no signs of the big C. And, not only that… Lucie was very supportive during our endless fight with our insurance company … and we came out winners in that fight too thanks to her to a large degree!

    I absolutely recommend Lucie to others, and am happy to work with her again!

  • photo 5906821067551391398 y
    Richard Z

    Joy, peace and love are the words I would use to describe Lucie

    I received not so great news from my doctor. In reality the news was not that devastating, but the way I imagined that my life was going to change was paralysing and I felt helpless. Of course, I think that everyone would think of the worst-case scenario with such a ‘big’ diagnosis – and yes, I felt this as well.

    I was feeling powerless and lost

    I realise that there are forces and energy out there that I didn’t realise existed. They are there for us to tap into… All you need is Lucie to show you how.

    I am so surprised at how can she bring up to the surface the deepest pains and suffering sitting inside you and just blow the hell out of it ?!

    Since my session with her: I’ve never realised that my own will and attitude can be so powerful. Believing in yourself when you are down doesn’t come naturally, but I’ve learned that this is the most important thing one can do to lift oneself up and face the world. Many in my age are thinking of retirement, me on the other hand, are starting to make some big plans.

    I loved the unlimited happiness, hope, joy and love of life that Lucie brings to my life and I absolutely recommend her and look forward to future sessions.

    My question is: How can such a petite lady can have such a massive and powerful energy that is able to fill everyone around with happiness and love?

    How come such petite lady is able to move mountains that are stuck inside your mind?

    How come it’s impossible to find anyone like her?

  • dc75c257ed51501c57a58f0e20aa0ddd5dab9c28664f3be7aeb67a23228cf354
    Nat W

    Lucie is Amazing

    I felt that something was stuck in my life – that I was stuck with something.

    Every time when my life has been good or successful then something has happened and made me have to move/resign or start my life again.

    Same with my financial situation, I always have trouble with it.

    I have had many major accidents in my life and I start to have several physical pain in my body too.

    Before my session I felt miserable.

    Lucie found things that went back into the past of my life and found things that needed to be fixed. She found big events and released things that had been causing me pain.

    After my session, I feel free but also a bit sad.

    Lucie told me to observe and allow the old grief to move through and out of the bodyThree days later all the sadness was gone and I feel relieved.

    Lucie has very strong senses, incredible ability and a lot of methods.

    Lucie is the best seeker and kindly gradually finds the answer. She is an angel.I am continuing to work with her each month

    I also sent my friend to her and I recommend her to my clients

    Thank you

  • 01a6a16da15bbf2f61449ead4cd9f45c2320c028dc90b1864545e4c97534b5e2
    NSW, Australia

    I contacted Lucie in relation to painting as I was looking for an artist for some advice.

    I didn’t know about her healing work until I saw her website. She left an audio message on my phone and after hearing about her life and her time working with an Aboriginal shaman, I was keen to have a session with her – as well as that she sounded like a lovely person.

    I found her to be loving, wise, steady and kind

    Before my session, I was utterly exhausted and overwhelmed. I was unwell with a dry cough and respiratory issues. Since the session the cough has gone and I’ve also noticed an improvement in my gut.

    Health-wise, since working with Lucie, I’m feeling a lot better. I get mild asthma but lately it has been worse and I’ve been using ventalin and coughing a lot.

    However, since the session the cough has gone and I’m not needing ventalin!

    I am a yoga teacher and pretty health conscious but I have been quite run down lately and have been aware that I need to look after myself a bit more.

    I just started back at the gym after many years, at the same time that I connected with Lucie, which I think is interesting, and I’m enjoying it.

    I usually have gastrointestinal issues too but I’m noticing that I haven’t had them since the session.

    The main thing I would say is that the information that came through made a lot of sense to me, about my life and how/who I am… and this was very clarifying.

    I guess I’m also feeling clearer about things that do and don’t feel right for me and I’m not so afraid to express that now.

    I’ve started writing… a memoir… something I’ve never done before and that’s helping me to make sense of many things too.

    I feel like I have found a long-lost friend who is supportive, open and loving. The combination of the gift she has and who she is, is special.

    I just feel that I was really meant to connect with Lucie at this time and I feel blessed for whatever is going on!

    Lucie, thank you for sharing the gift of who you are and what you have learned. It’s been so lovely to connect!

    I would absolutely recommend to anyone thinking about journeying with her to do so – and I would certainly do so again myself, for sure!

    UPDATE: The client absolutely LOVED the portrait I painted, and paid me more than 3 times what I asked ! Wow, just WOW – what a happy surprise!

  • dc31c44eee9e54518a94185ad26c11ea7a98b15f66a6e437be6d6a93fdf40e5c
    Zach F





















  • demetre
    Demetre Minchev

    Lucie is the ‘secret sauce’ for my business life and I wouldn’t be where I am without her. It’s as simple as that.

    Lucie has unequivocally changed my entire life – and I would go so far as to say that, in many ways, she has saved it.

    I met Lucie 11 years ago, and, at that time I was working in a profession (Barista / Hospitality Industry). that was not going to take me anywhere I wanted to go long term. I was also living in an area and environment that was not supporting me.

    I have always been really good at ‘putting up’ with things and just powering on
    through – which is not a very satisfying or healthy way to live life.

    I needed to change my whole life – and in a few short years I completely have.

    Three years ago, I started working one-on-one with Lucie and made the commitment to myself to embark on a multiple series of sessions (intensives) during this time.

    I would have to say that this is the best decision I’ve ever made and my investment has been recouped 100 times over and I continue to work with her to this day, because when you find something that truly works, it makes sense to keep on doing it!

    These days, my entire point of attraction is different – how I think, how I respond to life, what (effortlessly) shows up for me now – and the people I attract and liaise with – (not to mention my complete career change) is undeniable evidence of this.

    I have discovered that if there are things in the way of what you want (subconsciously, genetically, mentally, emotionally etc), then it really doesn’t matter how much you want them and how hard you physically try (and believe me, I tried) – these invisible sabotages (negative energies) will continue to trip you up and make life hard – and for me, it always felt like one step forward and 10 back.

    I had vibrational energies of slavery and self-sacrifice that ran through everything I did in life. I held belief systems that victimised me and kept me in negative cycles. A lot of these aspects were ancestral and generational and therefore inherited.
    A side note here: My parents live in Dubai and, after seeing the changes in me – they also work with Lucie)

    As a result, I didn’t have much passion for life, and, to be honest, I didn’t really see the point. I was just going through the motions. Certainly not a fun nor satisfying way to live.

    I’m a results based person. Working with Lucie has yielded positive physical, and tangible results far beyond anything I could have imagined.

    I now live in a place and area that I love. I work from home doing something that I really enjoy and am constantly learning more about in a field that is always evolving and keeps me interested. I choose my own hours and I have a strong support network of like-minded entrepreneurs .

    I’m now in a business partnership with a great person (and company) who is in harmony and alignment with my goals, ethics and values. All of my clients are really great people that I enjoy collaborating with.

    My business is rapidly growing (and has big expansion potential) and I am well on my way to achieving my 7 figure income goals – which is a far cry from any previous opportunity I had.

    If you want to shift your life a little (or experience a complete 180 like I have) then I absolutely recommend you work with Lucie.

    Lucie has an innate ability, and desire to investigate and find out what is REALLY going on for each of her clients – and knows how to delete, erase, clear, transmute, resolve and upgrade whatever issue is in the way.

    It has been helpful for me to discover that there was always a hidden reason (blind-spot) for how I was feeling and what therefore, how my life was.

    This knowledge alone boosted my self worth and confidence.

    Prior to working with Lucie, I had done a few self development courses and worked with some well renowned life coaches. However, It all felt like a hard slog uphill (the long slow way) and did not bring the results I was seeking.

    Lucie finds things that are simply astounding, specific and that absolutely make ‘sense’ to me on the levels that my gut instinct resides in – even if my mind doesn’t always get it!

    I do however, literally feel the shift move physically throughout my whole body and being – and within hours, there will be some sort of physical example of this that shows up in my life – through a payment, phone call or connection that would never have happened in my life prior.

    Just amazing. I am so grateful that Lucie agreed to continue to work with me (as she usually has a waiting list) and always manages to fit me into her schedule.

    I have recommended her to many people over the years (along with many of my clients), and it’s been awesome to share in all of their successes too.

    I’ve found that there is more focus, lightness and joy in my life – and I can see my future unfolding in a way that before, I saw absolutely nothing.

    I thank you so much Lucie for all the kindness, care, time and energy that you have shared with me and continue to do so.

  • Graham George
    Graham George
    Owner, Lead X - Australia

    My father’s journey began on a rocky path. When my 88-year-old father suffered a catastrophic fall and sustained head trauma, our family was devastated. His recovery seemed uncertain, and we felt helpless. He was lethargic and had strong regrets about not travelling. In many ways, it was like he had given up. Physically, he wasn’t able to rouse himself enough to use his walker and get himself to the bathroom without assistance. That’s when we turned to Lucie, a gifted ‘clearer’ with the ability to unblock pathways within the soul.

    Lucie only did ONE session for my father, but the overnight and ongoing changes in him were utterly undeniable. The very next day, he was zooming about in his walker and took himself to the bathroom. From the moment Lucie began guiding my father through working directly with his Spirit, we noticed such remarkable changes. She was able to clear deep-seated patterns from his past that were hindering his healing process and quality of life. What initially seemed like a slow and painful recovery transformed into a journey of rapid healing and renewed strength.

    My father was a wealth of information, a prolific reader with over 30,000 books in his collection. He was a walking, talking encyclopedia. However, after his fall, the cognitive damage was profound, and I honestly couldn’t see him returning to the father I once knew.
    It was painful to witness.

    Yet, 12 months on after she did his session, I am happy to say that Dad is constantly harassing me to order him yet another book on Amazon. Now, at 89 years of age, there are no signs of him slowing down when it comes to devouring books again. It’s a wonderful sight to behold!

    Interestingly, when I asked him if he had any regrets, he said he had none. I then prompted him about travelling since this had been such a source of sadness for him… He was completely unconcerned and told me he had travelled the world through his books and was at peace. This was truly profound as it was as if he had no memory of ever having had those particular regrets

    Although he’s not as nimble on his feet as he used to be, he’s still able to get himself up in the morning, make breakfast, and take care of his daily needs. I never thought he would make his way back mentally, let alone physically.

    Lucie promised me she would work directly with his Spirit who would know exactly what was going on and what needed to be done and therefore create a conduit for rejuvenation for him. And that she did, and for that, I am forever thankful.

    Lucie’s intuitive abilities and compassionate approach not only helped my father physically but also brought peace and clarity to our entire family. Her aiding and guidance are truly miraculous, and we are forever grateful for the profound positive impact she had on my father’s recovery. Lucie is a pathway clearer in the truest sense, and I wholeheartedly recommend her to anyone in need of deep, soul-level healing that ripples out into every other aspect of a person’s daily life.


    My personal story about Lucie (the Red):

    Before collaborating with Lucie, I felt like I was constantly hitting a wall in my business and financial life. Despite all my considerable efforts, something was holding me back from reaching the success I knew I was capable of. It wasn’t until Lucie stepped in to help clear the way that things truly began to change.

    Lucie has an extraordinary gift for removing the unseen baggage that clings to us, clouding our minds and blocking our paths to success. Through her guidance, she helped me release the weight of past experiences along with negative energies that were stifling my potential. Almost immediately after our sessions, I started noticing a profound shift – not only in my mindset but also in the opportunities and income flowing into my life.

    The bounties of success that have continued to follow each of my sessions have been nothing short of incredible. New opportunities began (and continue) to present themselves, and my business has taken off in ways I had only dreamed of. Lucie’s ability to clear the mental and energetic roadblocks was the key that unlocked a new level of enthusiasm and abundance for me.

    I am beyond grateful for Lucie’s assistance. Her expertise as a path clearer for me, has transformed my life, and I now move forward with a clear mind, an open heart, and a wealth of new possibilities. If you’re feeling stuck or blocked in any area of your life, I wholeheartedly recommend doing sessions with Lucie as her gift is truly life-changing.


  • 2bde448fdc59db90b425f3dcbd529d9beeeaa786aaa5c65db36fddf0d583cc29
    Ian T
    Northern Rivers, NSW

    Quite simply, Lucie is Brilliant

    Before the session I felt trapped and held down / held back by forces that were still in play in my life.

    Since working with Lucie, I definitely feel free from the traps that held me back and free to move forward in ways I could not before our session.

    I was surprised at the speed and the thoroughness of the work Lucie did – as in the sheer volume of how much we were able to shift, clear and release… this was like working at warp speed.

    I truly loved the authenticity and enthusiasm that Lucie energetically omits as she was working with me

    Before the session with Lucie, I was in a very stagnant place, trapped in what I would call a “time spell” that was stopping me from moving forward in my life to do the very things that I love and have passion to do.

    Lucie was able to identify the blockages that held me back, heal them and clear the way for me to move forward with the things that I so desperately wanted to continue on with in my life.

    To put it another way, I was set free in the session with Lucie (with the help of the before and after care and tips that she gave me that were specially tailored to me) from dark spells and past life contracts that stood in my way from moving forward.

    Lucie was able to do this very fluently, passionately and efficiently in a very short period of time, which really surprised me.

    I have since moved forward and I am now free to continue to do the things in my life that I love to do. So much gratitude !!!

    You ROCK Lucie.

    Thanks for everything

    NOTE : Message received 3 days before Ian’s session: 

    Hey, thanks Lucie for the clip you sent me on Messenger.

    Listened to it this morning. Wow. Bang on!!!

    You must’ve felt that something was going on with me (as you do) …

    Actually, I almost reached out to you last night. There are no words to explain the hopelessness and pit of despair I was feeling and that I had been in for days. I knew it would pass eventually, but OMFG it was intense.

    I kept telling myself that it was just another tempering and that it was somehow teaching me something (and it was). I felt, (starting on Wednesday night), that I was under a massive spiritual attack when I was woken up (first time since the Hypnosis session I had with a QHHT practitioner a while ago) with an ‘invisible spear’ through my left ribs.

    Well, it ‘appeared’ again on Thursday night however I was able to completely heal it this time (again) but, as I mentioned the other day, this is a recurring issue for me.

    My mind was trying to completely destroy me and it was getting worse by the day. Nearly everybody has been taken out of my life and | felt | almost had nowhere to turn.

    Post session feedback from Ian :

    OMG, Lucie, I feel friggin amazing!

    It took quite a while to integrate this last session (but not surprising considering what we found and got rid of…), but when it did totally integrate, which was yesterday, the joy and energy and feeling (that I haven’t had for so long now) – I was hoping to get a text to you last night to let you know, but | got a bit snowed under at work.

    So, it went a bit like this:

    Friday: Didn’t do much at all.

    Saturday: Did absolutely nothing and just laid on the couch all day having a beautiful nothing day (and enjoyed every bit of it – with no guilt – Woo !!!)

    Sunday: Woke up feeling good – had a great recording session with lads and felt really positive.

    Monday: like you shared, I also had a really big sleep. I had my alarm set for 8 hours, however I turned it off and slept for another 3 hours. Then when I got up, well, I’ve never felt so good.

    I had the most amazing day yesterday, and a really good night at work last night.

    Woke up today feeling exactly the same. I’m not tired, I’m not run-down, what I am – is full of energy and I have even been working on the computer with the recording project.

    I believe (and can truly feel) that all the negativity has evaporated.

    The blockages have been removed and I have so much self-confidence right now & absolutely know that everything is perfect and brilliant and everything positive is coming my way.

    I’m even looking forward to going back to work tonight and I have no idea why, but who cares 😉

    So I believe it took until the massive sleep I had on Sunday night to fully integrate everything that was done and I know for a fact that it’s all been done.

    I stand so proud in my power right now and I deflected negative energies at work last night and this morning like a boss !!!

    We really nailed it Lucie. What a champion you are.

    Once again but like never before I cannot thank you enough.

    Mmmmm … | just heard some new lyrics to one of my songs that say

    I can feel freedom 

    Sparking in the centre of me 


    Breaking through in disbelief 

    I can see energy 

    Around every living thing. 

    Underlying feelings … 

    When I record my album, there will be dedications to you

  • Name Withheld - as per request

    My One word to describe Lucie is AMAZING!!!!!

    I was pleasantly surprised to discover how calm, knowledgeable and helpful Lucie was.

    Just too
    many major things were going on in my life creating huge pressures and stress – whilst being a single parent and dealing with the overwhelming after effects of massive personal and financial betrayal – culminating in a lengthy and expensive court case process.

    So needless to say, prior to my session with Lucie I was very frustrated and tense.
    Post treatment/s, I was relaxed and relieved with the weight lifted from me!
    Since then, I have had clarity, which has allowed me to process situations clearly and systematically remove the stressors from my life.

    Lucie’s healing abilities are super powerful. I loved absolutely EVERYTHING about my sessions with her, including the level of care, commitment and follow up and her sincerity and genuine kindness to me.

    I work with a lot of people from all walks of life, and Lucie is generosity personified – the real deal.

    Lucie has been an absolute angel for me and I do not hesitate to recommend her.

  • image1 150x150
    Violet F
    New Zealand

    Working through my “stuff” with Lucie has helped to transform my life
    – from being stuck in a relationship which was going nowhere and making me unhappy, as well as negatively impacting so many different levels of my life and wellbeing, to now being comfortable in my own skin and with my own strength and abilities.

    My health, life, and financial situation are in a much better state, and I feel so much lighter than before.

    There was a lot of really heavy stuff that came up over the time we worked together, which was so good to clear away, so I look forward to uncovering more eventually, when I’m ready for it!

    The way Lucie works is unlike anyone I’ve done healing with before. There are so many levels she works on (all at once!), and so much more happening than you’d expect. It is a really unique experience and one that I highly recommend!

  • Estee

    The best way I can describe working with Lucie is like deep diving into a pond in the middle of your garden.

    You find treasures, you find muck.

    You swim around and realise you need more oxygen and life in the water.. you put in plants that filter, fish that eat the algae, beautiful lilies that invite the frogs to sing and beneficial insects to dance just above the water and before you know it you have an ecosystem fully supporting itself. And above water… well… this central self sustaining ecosystem spreads out in all directions into your garden inviting all sorts of wildlife, thriving plants and some other cheeky, playful little visitors.

    You simply sit in awe and wonder at how truly beautiful it all is.
    Every part of cleaning out and nurturing the depths creates external change in the most freeing and beautiful ways.

    Thank you gorgeous Lucie.
    Your work is powerful and done with grace and magnificent presence.


  • img 2886 150x150
    Susan R

    I started sessions with Lucie back in mid-2017.

    I was finding everything, business and personally, that I did was being undermined and I could never seem to move forward with anything that I did. I felt close to my wit’s end. I discovered that my decisions in the past – this lifetime and past, were partly responsible for this.

    In November of 2017 just when I was making headway into my issues, my husband was diagnosed with cancer. This ended up being terminal. My main goal from here was to be the best support to him. I wanted to allow him to either get well or to exit this life as we know it with the best support of his family. Seven months later he left this world and I am certain I could not have coped as well without the support of Lucie.

    That was 11 months ago and I am forging ahead with the sessions with Lucie and sometimes her partner Demetre. It is nice to have a different perspective yet still be following the “plan/program”.

    I am now feeling content in my own skin and I know so much more about myself. Life as I know it is very peaceful and has a purpose. I now have skills that enable me to make better decisions in my journey.

    Rest assured this journey is confronting but Lucie facilitates and reveals what we need to hear, learn, and embody.

    She is incredible with her knowledge, has a variety of modalities, and is passionate about her “work”.

  • c53b57ee 44bf 459e 8754 bcacaa167669 150x150
    Karen S

    ” Oh. My goodness, I just have to say….that in my 20+ year pursuit of “healing” Lucie hands down is the number one facilitator of the most incredible shifts and life upgrades I have ever experienced in my lifetime.

    As a Forensic Practitioner, I can tell you that what Lucie does goes way beyond the Forensic Healing System.

    I’ve had the pleasure and honour of journeying with her for 2 years – and what she is doing now is truly extraordinary, powerful and utterly unique in the world.

    Almost unbelievably, Lucie 100% COMPLETELY removed 10 years of chronic physical pain from my shoulders that was so acute I couldn’t sit still or life my arms above eye level. During the session my pain left and a week later hasn’t come back.

    I’ve just realised I can lift both arms straight up above my head – no pain, just the stiffness of 10 years of not being able to mobilise that joint.

    I can hardly believe it myself, but it’s true.

    Lucie is a truth seeker and she consistently finds, releases and resolves all MY blind spots I would absolutely recommend Lucie to everyone – and I do.

    I am so grateful there are no words.”

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